Continuous Professional Development

Mastering a skill requires much more than participating in a learning event or earning an academic degree.  It requires reviewing what you have learned, frequently updating your knowledge, skills, and toolbox, and lots of practice.  Putting that knowledge and skills into action regularly.

Once I complete my journey in the program, I would like to focus on expanding my knowledge and skills in the following areas:

AreaAction Plan
Learning Theories

Goal: Further explore each theory, review the concepts and identify possible applications of each theory to the learning experiences you design.

Resources: Books, articles, videos.

Articulate Online Training Tools

Goal: Become more proficient in the use of Storyline and Rise for the creation of online courses.

Resources: Subscribe to the Articulate Trainer, review the Articulate webinar archives, and join the Articulate community.

Universal Design for Learning & Accessibility

Goal: Create accessible and inclusive learning experiences at work.

Resources: Involve in Diversity and Inclusion initiatives to promote the implementation of strategies to create accessible and inclusive training.

To keep up with times and trends, I want to join a professional learning organization and participate in events and workshops where I can connect and collaborate with other learning professionals. I aim to spend at least 4 hours a week on my professional development and to share my knowledge and skills with my colleagues.

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