I want to acknowledge the support from my family, friends, co-workers, instructors, and classmates during my journey as an instructional designer and this program.

Since discovering my interest in instructional design, I have been surrounded by people who have encouraged me to pursue my dreams and opened doors to new opportunities. Co-workers, supervisors, organizational leaders, family, and friends...to all of them, I give thanks for their encouragement and support.

Thanks to my project advisor Apostolos Koutropoulos for coming up with the idea of including the Learning Portfolio option in the capstone project (it was pretty challenging, but I enjoyed it), for the guidance provided during the process and for the considerations during a semester marked by hurricanes, power outages, and influenza. Thanks also to all the program instructors for the passion and enthusiasm with which they teach the courses. More than an academic degree, I take away a transformative experience. I also thank my classmates for the opportunity to work with them on projects, for considering my ideas, and for making the process enjoyable.

Finally, I want to thank my wonderful family for their love, patience, and support while I worked to achieve this goal. ¡Gracias!
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