Design and Instruction of Online Courses

Course Description

This course is for instructional designers, instructors, teachers, or trainers who want to explore the critical success factors in designing and delivering online instruction. Through readings, discussion, and various activities, students will examine the pedagogical implications of technology-mediated learning, the dynamics of the virtual classroom, the elements of effective online course design, as well as some of the tools and technologies available to create and deliver online instruction. Through group-based and individual project work, students will design and create online modules. This course will use a range of interactive and collaborative instructional methods.

Instructor: Frances Keefe

Major Takeaway

Online education has the potential to make learning accessible not only to people with physical disabilities but also to people who, due to transportation or location limitations, cannot travel to an institution or attend lectures in person. "Online education gives students control over their learning experience, allows flexibility in the curriculum for non-traditional students, and gives students greater responsibility." (Michelle, E., 2021, para.4). Online education can be a powerful tool for transformation and justice for society.