Positionality Statement

Positionality Statement

This assignment required students to identify a problem of practice and write a positionality statement identifying and describing their perspectives and biases concerning their stated problem of practice.

Needs Assessment Report

Needs Assessment Report

This assignment required the learner to identify and analyze an organizational problem, conduct a needs assessment interview, and write outcome-based learning objectives to write a final needs assessment proposal that includes evaluation strategies.

Learning Theories Concept Map

Learning Theories Concept Map

This assignment focused on conceptualizing the four fundamental learning theories (behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, connectivism), the theorists involved, and the key ideas for the theories. A concept map, conceptual framework, or infographic could be used to describe their interpretation of the foundational learning theories and how the key ideas relate to instructional design. It was required to include key theorists, the key ideas behind each theory, 2-3 paragraphs that explain the conceptualization, cite the sources, and include references cited list.

Collaborative Learning Design Project

Collaborative Learning Design Project

This assignment was the course's final project. It was a group project and consisted of creating a Google Site of at least eight pages based on a common interest that serves an instructional purpose and should contain as many tools as possible learned in the course. Whenever possible, these should be embedded rather than linked. The site should include an easy-to-follow structure with well-defined sections and pages. The home page should contain an introduction that clearly defines the site's purpose and has a concise summary of contents (in addition to the navigation menu). The look and feel of the site had to be consistent throughout. Resources used should provide references to their source, and the site should demonstrate an understanding of and ability to integrate most web-based, collaborative tools explored during the course.

Online Course Design

Online Course Design

This assignment required evaluating a range of tools, techniques, and technologies to design, develop, and implement a three lesson online course using the LMS of my choice.